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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  July 18, 2012 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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on saddam by testing case the protesters and get out of hand. here before. every time tuition is mentioned is a very ross subjects for them. here's what they said >> i have a lot of dead and that looks like things are becoming unaffordable. and my program we're getting reduced the end to a
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much fellows of the money and then my tuition is going up >>will: the reason why he look like that is because he senility a zombie. they say they are all coming back from the dead. they say that they will vote on a resolution to freeze tuition back to 2011 rates. i could be hollow because if the tax proposal does not pass in november they will lose $250 million. that means that the tuition rate will automatically go up. 9:00 that would put on quite a demonstration. >>darya: at they cannot be happy about the pay raises. >>mark: that is that cal
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state. here are a as a look at the salary increases. two of the president's would get an annual $60,000 housing allowance >> will be signing the high-speed rail funding bill today. the peace signing the bill 1029. it provides a billion dollars to the construction of the high-speed rail. caltrain will be receiving $600 million in high-speed rail funds. dive and the take a look at the dow jones. >>darya: the dow jones is up
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42 points. >>justine: this is ben bernake. you can see the live pictures. yet today he gave a living economic report. -- yester day gave a gloomy economic report. we will have more on this later on on kron 4 morning is. facing a beneficial mark ms. contact. white mayor ed lee says that that constitutes official ms. contact a mercury mean should be removed from
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share. >>darya: this fire is an colfax. it has destroyed one home. it is 60 percent contained. there are about 170 homes that are still threatened to. the fire has been bernie now for about a week. they officials say that they are hoping that they have full containment by saturday. firefighters are expecting that they should be able to surrounded by today. the were 50 homes evacuated just last night.
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most people are ready to lead if the fire surges. this fire and sam retained as 65 percent contained. >>mark: here's a look at the fog from the mt. tam cam.
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>>mark: is happened in florida. the 72 year old man pulled out a gun and chased these robbers out of the internet cafe. to a the suspects were injuries -- injured. >>darya: you can see this man running here. he is one it of two suspects wanted in connection with the berkeley. and he tried to get away in a police cruiser. that is when the man's hopped into the police cruiser and took off.
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they chased him and he did not get very far because he crashed into an apartment building here >>mark: this is the usual >>mar[ male announcer ]al olympic tennis players bob and mike bryan are always on the move. so they can't get to the bank to deposit a check. instead, they use citibank mobile check deposit. it's easy. they just snap a pic... ♪ hit send... and their checks are deposited right to their account. well almost all of their checks. stand back. seriously? [ male announcer ] citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. every step of the way.
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[ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. you there ! i am looking for someone, hair black as night, skin white as snow ! yeah, yeah, i got that ! she is at the castle.
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dad ! honey ! but she's on the move. disney mobile magic, on verizon. you wouldn't happen to have an apple ? find characters, access wait times for the park you're in, and enjoy premium features when you download disney mobile magic, powered by verizon.
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>>darya: the companies and are now fighting back with petitions. coke and pepsi are saying that the ban on the think tanks are -- big dreams of a bit other cities might follow suit. >>darya: there is a new diatribe pin many people on
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the drug loss is much as 23 lbs.. if there are some concerns about hyperventilations and and anorexia. >>mark: was headed james for weather. >>james: we are seeing fog. it is mainly confined to the peninsula. this is a look from the mt. tam camp. sfo is reporting delays. oakland and san jose is fine irian. and looks like things are starting to write and out in
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little bit. we're beginning to see our temperatures begin to rise. it is mostly fifties around area. on the call it will be a warmer day than yesterday. it will be cooler than average for this time of year. there are a little bit warmer pin >> by 12:00 p.m. things will be looking a little bit warmer than yesterday. san jose will be 75 degrees. and out the east we are going to look for in and near a 80 degree weather.
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antioch will be 79 degrees. along the shore line it will be mid to upper 60s. the peninsula will be in the '60s as well pit downtown san francisco and will be 65 degrees. let's take a quick look at the short-term forecast could the key word is warming. we will have the 7 day around the bay coming out in a bit. >>george: we are still looking for a good ride around the bay area here the bay bridge is still a lot -- light to moderate can you can't hit the drive time is about 13 minutes, the west bound ride. for the san mateo bridge in
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is problem free. it is also the eighth 13 minute drive time. the golden gate bridge looks fine. you can see on the traffic mess we are picking at more volumes by southbound 80. dozens have air-traffic in livermore heading westbound on 580 pin he 85 is still a problem free. and the north bay ride >>mark: pg&e is working to repair its image by launching a 10 meehan dollar ad campaign the new had times when the utility company is facing a lawsuit
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in determining whether they should pay punitive damages for the explosion. keep in mind that they have to report to the shareholders not the customers. includes plans to find new police and fire at losses. two supervisors have opted not to have that a kid -- pity the they have asked that the money go to other projects in their district him >>darya: and here is the video from monday but when they at are opposing the mornings about this. this is the illegal encampment.
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20 people are living in that area. >>mark: students in hayward will have a new school. is one of the schools in this area that has undergone a massive rebuild. the fog is is to renovate all of the hayward unified campuses. >>darya: to dead grows -- have been tested positive for the west nile virus. they say that the plastic and putting covers better over swimming holes increases the riskiness.
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they say that the covers create the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. >>mark: 7 rattlesnake bites have been reported so far. the bay of them happening in sao jose -- in san jose. the dry weather means a day are moving around more to find food and water. >> we have seen as many as 18 on a trail. that is a lot of snakes. >> you should be cognizant of snakes or snake barks -- snakebites.
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that is a real possibility that snakes might be around. we do not want you to be panicked you want you to make a preventative measures. >> we're having an increase of snakebites and santa clara county. >>darya: will be back with more and just a couple of minutes. it is a much different morning here at the golden gate bridge. things look better here than they did yesterday. will we -- we will have more on weather and traffic when we come back.
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>>mark: and appears that they all out civil war is breaking out in syria. this morning this they read tv says that the prime minister had been killed. a we also learned the the brother-in-law was killed in the attack. the of president up to $8 billion out of his loss in a rock. the $51 billion -- they say
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that the exact amount cannot be known due to the poor record-keeping. the state department and the defense department failed to properly read you contracts. fay did not checked to see whether crosscourt accurate are efficient. >> a woman and i know what believes that her daughter and her niece may have been kidnapped. david class c in and near their home heading out for a back i cried. -- a bike ride. the bicycles were found near their home after they were found missing. the mother said that she is not hopeful about what
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police will define. >> i feel like maybe their protection. -- they were taken. i don't believe they will find anything. >>darya: the mayor of that town says that it could take them to-three days to drain the lake. they also have search dogs on the scene. >>darya: will be back in a couple of minutes. let's take a live look outside. we'll be right back.
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is in an intensely shot the 10 year-old boy i -- the he did not intentionally she the boy. he was aiming at a man and hit the boy in stead. >> we had some colonists from citizens and the area at the provided his name. and that's how they're able to identify him and locate him. he is on probation for previous light weapons charges. >>darya: the blues are still trying to figure out a motive. they say that he is not going to participate with the investigation him >>mark: this is a sketch of the man that sought this man
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by execution-style. lisa looking at several modern spin -- and a possible motives. and behind that car was in as you feed the could have additional suspects. investigators say they're confident they will make an arrest in the case. charged with murder in connection with the murder of torrazzo >> police say that the victim was found suffering from a gunshot wound. he died from the gunshot wound.
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they believe that he was shot while standing in front of a parked car in front of an apartment complex police believe is gang-related. >>mark: these many security cameras will be installed over the next four years. they will be paid by, and security. >>darya: pence stay at says that the governing body it is trying to decide whether the university should face dental penalties. they include a possible shutdown of the football program. then c n/a n/a is-- tne n caa says the come late
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football coach and to eat -- three top official very the allegations to protect the university's image pin sandusky molested sandwiches every 15 years. and is awaiting sentencing. >>mark: take a live look outside on this wednesday morning and has not been as foggy as it has been. there is a change in the weather. we will have more when we come back. [ male announcer ] it would be easy for u.s. olympian meb keflezighi
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to deposit checks at the nearest citibank branch. ♪ like this one. ♪ or this one. ♪ or, maybe this one. ♪ but when it's this easy to use citibank mobile check deposit
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at home...why would he? ♪ woooo! [ male announcer ] citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. every step of the way. here's what the kids will n-e-e-d. ♪ pens and markers, paper wide ruled. ♪ ♪ hoodies, sneakers, tape, sticks of glue.♪ ♪ large boxes pencils, highlighters. ♪ ♪ sneakers and t-shirts. ♪ notebooks and jeans, ♪ notebooks and jeans, ♪ notebooks and jeeeeans, yeah! ♪ ♪ notebooks and jeans! announcer: school takes a lot, target has it all.
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>>mark: a new report says there i lot of unhappy face book users. -- facebook users. facebook users are unhappy this changes. they also complain about privacy issues. they are not happy with that
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at edition of time line. >>erica: here are the responses to do you like your face what -- facebook. >> if you want to leave your own, and on whether or not you're happy with your face of lee's visit us at >> or you can treat us or leave us a base look post. >>darya: they're looking at the fog that is around the coast. there is a delay at sfo. we will be back any minute.
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>>mark: the ride wife of suspended shift share of ross mercury mean will be testifying at her husband's ethics hearing. he is facing misconduct charges involving and that domestic we abuse of involving his wife. >> they're helping to
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support governor brown's tax measure and freeze tuition at 2011 prices. >> the country's national security building was with the defense minister was killed in assistant defense minister. >>james: it is cloudy ever since this is go. we are seeing fog cover of the most of the bay area right now. it is a one hour-40 minute arrival delays s sfo. we have mild temperatures right now and the '50s.
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as you head into the south bay you start to see los 6 -- a '60s. by 12:00 p.m. ucb gradual clearing. the map today has '60s and '70s across the area by 3:00 in the afternoon we may get close to 80 degrees in the east bay valleys. as we take a closer look at the time frame we will be expecting mostly in the '70s but you will see a lot of upper seventies. antioch in pleasanton will be right near the 80 degree mark. the temperatures in the east bay's and south bay. there will be among the
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water from the mid to upper 60s and then they go into the '70s. here is the seventh day of around the bay forecast the temperatures will be going up. that will be the general said. -- trend. the temperatures will be mild amount of bay pin was taken of the traffic with george. >>george: there's still looking at a pretty good ride for the bay area. we are not tracking and hot spots. the bay bridge back up has grown in a little in the last 15-20 minutes pin and the commute to the san mateo bridge is problem free. it is lighter than usual traffic. as you look at your ride to the golden gate bridge the volume is up the there are no delays across the span. racing a little with more
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slowing on west bound 80 >> in a little more slowing for 280 heading toward cupertino. 101 is the little slowing. >>darya: the morning very good morning de -- good morning gary pitt >>gary: amani darya. good morning darya. >>darya: 70 blue a banner or
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removed a statute or we will. the >>gary: they said it would take a week to 10 days you >>darya: more importantly what are they going to decide about the whole program. >>gary: my point is that people at fault are getting what they deserve but the young kids that are coming to college are of the one will suffer. >>darya: there was other
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colleges that have recruiting violations. this is a criminal matter and involves administrators. what do you do in that case. >>gary: a the end of 1980 to the beginning of 83 and basketball at day >>darya: what is related to the players then that maybe somebody should say that the call for the scrapping of the program. but when these are the administrators and the really punish kids. >>gary: the people that appeared to be a fall our
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award to be tried in the court of law. that is the thing to. is penn state's going to have any money left to one province program. explain this buster posey- sanchez think pit posy goes in after the other guy heard is neat. i have had plenty * catching for timmy. was there a question about posing? >>gary: there's nothing they could put your finger on. i prefer the land who works
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da lin werke at night makes me feel more confident. is just a personal preference. if you wanna give buster a day off the sanchez got her. >>darya: he is calling to heaven and i am our eye on that meat. -- mri on the knee. is everybody happy now? >>gary: there was a month for they just went crazy. in new york the ride three of the players of the top of
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my head. and the take, stottlemyre that with that kind of money the pressure is when to be on him. >>darya: as the pressure could be on him to win a to sell jerseys? >>gary: when he solves the lot of jerseys and he was making a lot of planes. at a there is a lot of pressure going to houston because again coming he's want to be the guide that will be either the fall guy or the european >>darya: thanks allot gary. we will be right back.
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♪ [ male announcer ] the inspiring taste of mcdonald's new spicy chicken mcbites. ♪ poppable pieces of tender chicken breast
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seasoned with just the right amount of spice, but just for a limited time. new spicy chicken mcbites. the simple joy of spicy perfection. ♪ could be home to bacteria. so use lysol disinfectant spray on soft surfaces everyday when you're cleaning up to kill 99.9% of bacteria. lysol. mission for health.
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>>erica: i'm one-third of
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adults world wide do not get enough of physical activity. according to dreggy only lives once. the mentioned includes seven bedrooms and nine atoms. i home theater and tennis courts >> >> next week people in washington state can register to vote on facebook. to talk about what is tracking online you can always look at my facebook >> page care >>darya: 10 -- tens of thousands of colleges and as they a lot hit tuition hikes. the soda companies are finding backs with the
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movement from a city to ban the size during spin >> the giants are coming out on the winning side. ---------------------------- --------
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>> >>mark: thanks for johnny she tests on this when they give the fair. hayes is a out of success to have a live report coming up. >>darya: today we're expected to hear from the wife of ross mirkarimi >>mark: we will set more on the delays at sfo >>james: it is a better day all the way around out the
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door this morning in we are looking at carmel bataan's can shot pin most of the fog is confined to the coast. the will see more sunshine. will still be on the cool side for this time of year. we will warm up by the end of the week. let's get to george for traffic. >>george: a bridge check let's take a look at 101 north bound near highway 87. the peninsula is still pretty light and water conditions are around the east bay south bay >>mark: f gov. brown's
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proposal is rejected in the fall of they are looking at tuition hikes. >>will: there is just a handful of officers behind me. there are a barricade set up. they believe it will peaceful. you never know there is about two dozen that are going to stand by in case it gets out of hand. that protesters are starting their comments in about 25 minutes from now what they're doing with the makeup is that they are some the protesters pin here is one of the protesters to jealous of the killing >> the regions had been raising the debt for many years. and this is at a matter of life in debt. or the day of the living debt.
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>>will: some people say that this is a public relations move and that we expect other regions to vote no. they say that that could change if governor brown's tax return proposal is rejected in november. >> it seems that the and not voting on a 20% increase today. however they are voting on an increase in professional degree programs. this is going to raise them 5-10% each year. while they're saying the china to provide diversity, they still are planning to raise tuition. >>will: and just 50 minutes there wind -- and a few minutes they aren't willing to put up a presentation.
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>>darya: welcome back. in all out civil war is breaking out in syria. the country's defense bill as a suicide bomber struck the national security building and damascus. i also learned that his brother jan wahl was killed in that attack today from a the fighting this a challenge to the present government income >>mark: report comes as protests against new to of our has aimed to comment. the radioactive material spread after the earthquake and tsunami last year.
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>> 5 >> to read joe rains continue to slant china hit -- torrential rains here in the 2700 people uneasy to be transferred to safety fifth local weather reports say the the range of the weakening of today in >>mark: president mark obama and president clinton are the xhosa pay respects to nelson mandela who turns 94 today. in 2009 the united nations designated his birthday as
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nelson mandela in a national day. let's take a live look outside his wednesday morning. the traffic is a little bit heavy on the 87 traffic pin . metering lights on for 101 north >> .
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>>mark: we got an update from calfire this morning fix is a large fire has been burning in colfax. most of the evacuations have been lifted. there was about 107 people when -- or threatens during the fire. it is about 70 percent contained. you can see here that it is east of interstate 80. it is burning in that ride the terrain. we also have a fire and the central coast. this one has burned 640 a.. the are residence and the pit in their of 50 homes in the area. they are evacuating pin
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this fire is that 65 percent contained. >>darya: let's take in of the weather to see how things are shaping up pin >>james: san francisco was not seen much sunshine yet. remember how nice it was yesterday? expect another day like that. we just have to get past the overcast conditions. we're still dealing with one hour and 48 minutes arrival time at sfo you should call ahead if you have any business at the airport. we have a live look in the south bay pin the temperatures are warming up. they are getting the affect of the morning sun care >> as you can see on the
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less san jose is the only city that is in the '60s right now. temperatures this afternoon will play out in this fashion, by noontime it will be '60s and '70s by 3:00 in the afternoon a could be near 80 degrees in and land areas care >> antioch lee amid the upper seventies. semblances the will be 65. here's your 3 wet day look
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ahead. >>george: we're tracking the canyons called morning long but have not attract any hot spot yet. we will start with the traffic and maps and take a look at interstate 80. the drive time is about 19 minutes. 24 looks good. this is 80 looks good. the nimitz commute through hayward looks good. this is all very typical. in may be a little lighter than usual. the drive time this still under 35 minutes from nevada to the golden gate bridge. this drive is about 13 minutes. for your 92 this
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>> tale of bridge. in his 12-13 minutes. your ride to the golden gate bridge is a pretty good one. it is a little heavy right now as we near the peak of the traffic time. >>darya: raw 3 suspect in columbus ohio try to get away from the police by hopping into a police cruiser. he is wanted in connection with the bar early at a in apartments. the guy popped into the police cruiser, took off pit the police fired shots in the car and there was a chase. and he crashed the cruiser into an apartment building >>mark: tin men in florida get more than they bargained for. they tried to rob and an internet cafe.
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in 71 year old man starts firing shots of the two robbers. he shot one of the robbers in the on. the other and tried to flee the june 19th year olds to try to love the calf they were arrested and taken to hospital. this man does have a license to carry a concealed weapon >>darya: 7-$3 billion cut for the fiscal year includes a plan to fund new police academy in fire class's. into at a legislative aide for each supervisor. some of the supervisors often out of the exchange a in a cast of the projects to
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go toward the district. >> this was on monday when the crews are posting warning about this. they call this an illegal encampment cleanup. about 20, as you are living in the area pin >>mark: this tool is been rebuilt in hayward it cost 27 meehan dollars. it is one of five schools that went to amass a renovation. the practice is the first that of a four part master plan this is renovating off a where campuses pin digamma to coast where fell in california with west nile virus.
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>>darya: there is a new health hazard that they want you to know about. the health officials say that the plastics and what in covers that are placed over a deserted from in close cause a perfect breeding environment for misdeed as. us to come to county mosquito control say bet it provides >>mark: let's take a quick break as the kron 4 morning news continues. break as the kron 4 morning news continues. w[ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: tonight, take it easy and enjoy your favorite soup, salad and hot, hearty sub. like the toasty big hot pastrami melt. get to your local subway for some dinnertime deliciousness tonight. subway. eat fresh.
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>>darya: the mother of one of them to a missing i'll let girls think that her daughter may been kidnapped. the two girls went out for a bike ride and then the blacks were found along with a person there a nearby lake. >> because we have not found them and the surrounding area.
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i'll be more comfortable and that siri -- here when they drain the lake and find nothing there. >>darya: training the lake could take two-three days. the fbi has dogs out there searching the area as well. >>mark: for the second time since june the fda has certified a diet drug. advocates are concerned about the side effects. it includes increase our rate and anorexia. this is the first one approved by in a decade by the fda.
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>> coca-cola and pepsi are upset by the proposal of the new york to ban any suite in the upper 16 ounces. their argument is that banning the larger the trains will affect the bottom line and other cities may follow suit. >> >>darya: will be back with more and a couple of minutes. let's take a live look at walnut creek.
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púwnw great idea. so we'll switch to u-verse tv and internet... that's just what we need... i got accepted into juilliard. [ dad ] that's great! can we talk about wireless plans? now we can video-chat. and faster internet... [ female announcer ] with at&t u-verse,
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you can build a personalized bundle to fit your needs. even when they change. switch today. bundles including u-verse tv, internet and home phone start at 89 a month for 24 months. now get the same price for two years. plus get a total home dvr free for life. choose from a variety of u-verse tv packages that let you record four shows at once... and play them back in any room. and when you add our wireless receiver exclusively from at&t, you can move your tv where you want in your home. call today. triple-play bundles start at 89 a month. now get the same price for two years. plus get a total home dvr. mom, dadoooo! i'm moving back in... better call at&t. yeah. ♪ >>darya: the wife of lost
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> the uc board will be up for a vote for a rate increase. >>mark: let's go to james for the weather. >>james: we are calling to be a little bit warmer toward the upper seventies today. we're went to continue to warm toward tomorrow. as we get to the weekend i think we will get more summerlike weather. the entire forecast will be straight ahead. >>george: the bay area ridge has light traffic.
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this still moderate conditions for the bay area except a peninsula of what things are light. >>darya: if you see students may seem to sense froze send to day care and if gov. brown's tax initiative is not the route they will see attack -- tuition increases. will tran as on the scene. >> the protesters planted to a peaceful demonstration. you can see the officers behind me. they're relaxing right now. this is a spokeswoman of this when you see regions care >> technically we never the
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you voted against was an increase kirkuk. >> what the school will be considering today is of recalling a freeze on systemwide tuition. of the ballot initiatives passes in november the will be no increase for tuition care. it is hard part in a larger problem of severe cutbacks of the university of california that does not account for -- no means accounts for the unprecedented cuts in state funds. >>will: if it fails is this a to say the automatically be a tuition increase.
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>> if the budget and an issue to of fails to and not telling be forced to raise tuition but we will be forced to have caddis traffic cutbacks and layoffs but here we are hoping to do is to avoid that at all cost care >>will: then keep some much pin if that passes then there will be no tuition increase. if it fails though the tuition increase employees losing a job >>justine: contract in two smaller earthquakes that hit the bay area. the first one was a 2.3 -- 2.3 at 8:22 a.m. pin
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we are not hearing any records of any damage the question that i'm like to pose is whether or not you felt it. the other one was a 1.9 >>mark: a possible new gravesite regarding this eat free to killers. -- spped freek killers this is expected to be on cal ma'am korean
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this can be one of six others set made the search. >>darya: hernandez and gomez were arrested on friday and relay connection to the murder through police say that the the extent was suffering from a gunshot loan on october 17th and was pronounced dead at a hospital in he was standing near parked car in front of his apartment complex. police do believe that it was gang-related. >>mark: rich tracking down a killer. investigators believe that this man said us of the
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victim can near a part station here in they say that this shooting was execution-style. >> 357 -- 357 cameras will be mounted through the immune system here in is paid for by homeland's security. >>darya: has had states says it is like to respond within day spin the governing body is trying to decide if the university should face a penalty in relationship to the chair is and does the child sex abuse case. they're also looking at shutting down the entire of penn state football program
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>> they violated ethics rules. the lakers coach joe paterno has of friday have allegations as he attempted to protect the university's image pin >>darya: we will be back in a couple of here as they sought -- we will be back in a couple of minutes. here is a shot from the golden gate bridge. you can see the heavy traffic. we will have more on traffic and weather when we come back.
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hello? the words are going this way-there's no way. oh, the lights came on. isn't technology supposed to make life easier? at chase we're pioneering innovations that make banking simple. deposit a check with a photo. pay someone with an email. and bank seamlessly with our award-winning mobile app. take a step forward... and chase what matters.
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>>darya: thought you unhappy with facebook? they sought a drop in user satisfaction this morning kirkuk -- this year. they did not like the change in the time line. they also talk about
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advertisements. >>erica: here are some responses to the viewer is. we are getting a lot of comments. i just visit our facebook page in late yours. >>mark: at&t is going and to rise in the footsteps. they will allow subscribers to connect up to 10 devices. the horizon and reduced this everything planned in june.
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one smart fall with a gig and data will cost about $35 per month in we will be back any minute.
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>>mark: the wife of san francisco's is and it police she ross mirkarimi is back in the bay area. ed today is uc regents meet the discussing freezing
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joyous and levels if the governor brown's tax major passes. if it does not they will have to increase tuition werke >> burnett you will be testifying in front of congress again today. -- ben bernake. >>darya: there a point to james for the weather. >>james: is a little cloudy and downtown san francisco. drop off to a cloudy start. as you can says half and is causing crop losses at sfo will low cloud ceilings. in is causing a back up of an hour and 90 minutes. we have wild temper -- mild
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temperature with that you reichswehr is the most in the '50s around the bay area. in see more and more attention you can see in the '60s. navistar and out the morning at 48 degrees and now it's up that 62 a few >> at 12:00 in in we are looking at both basically '60s and '70s and then by 3:00 and the afternoon we are seeing some eighties in the east bay. the rest of the area will be in '60s and '70s.
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here are today's highs ahead a seven day outlook shows that we will be warming high as we've found out of the pin and will continue to get warmer through the weekend and into next that is the way the whether it is facing -- if you have to in let's the teachings of the weather in we have a reasonably light traffic. >>george: we have reasonably light traffic care the cemetery france commute has been a quiet one all morning lull. things are starting to wind down just a bit here. looking at the ride on
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interstate 80 and on 680. 24 is a little heavy appeared in this very nice. the heavy traffic left is the right past waterloo bay parkway where you would expect it to be. >>mark: the richmond police or arrested a man that shot a 10 year old boy three weeks ago. the boy is expected to recover after being shot in the back. richmond police say that he did not intentionally shoe the boy. he was aiming at a car. we get some tips from the community. >> we get some collops from the community with his name and where he was. he is on probation previous
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charges. >>mark: please is still trying to figure out the reason for the motive. they said that he is not cooperating. >> that some happened after 8:00 last night with the ac transit bus. the bicyclist is a 31 year old female. she was heard but there were no passengers on the buss. they're looking into what caused the accident >>mark: the dow jones is now positively for the month of july. it is up 80 points today. the u.s. census bureau says that housing starts and permits were up in chin.
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>> in june. >> permits also jumping sharply for new construction. they say that the builder confidence is the highest level and then in the past five years. >>darya: the giants came out on the winning side of what most say. sanchez was sent to the royals last november. >> now he has been a godsend for-- milkee has
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been a godsend for the giants. take a lookit this. >> be deliver the text there and he delivered it to the mascot. he was supposed to bring the ball to the plate. if you have not seen the movie, he was one of the stars in the show. as >> >>mark: we will be right back as the kron 4 morning news continues. with the cloud cover we are seen delays of over an hour passed sfo.
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>>erica: take a look at what is taught a round the bed. >> drake buys a you to mansion. >> music festival coach bela is moving to the high seas. and there will be a sequel to the hit movie binding nemo.
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-- finding nemo. if you want to know what is trending on the web is that my facebook page. >>darya: the quds to answer facing a big tuition in california meantime school leaders are getting raises pin >> other as possible and the grave sites a connection with this the --speed freek killers >> rob black will be along with the winners and losers.
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102 points right now. month -- housing permits in new housing is jumped up last month. it is good for plumbers and electricians. housing and autos are helping our economy. >>mark: let's talk about hot as. tesler motors is right here in the bay area. they have a great looking car. >>rob: it is stunning.
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i get to drive by their plants. i am not even a car guy. >>mark: are is anybody worried about this car being reliable. if this guy can sense of the of to the space station he can buy build a decent car. >>rob: it is an awful 2012 story. they're only going to make about 5000 of the units into to of the 2012. they are ramping up very slowly. >>mark: as anything that they could do in the future? >>rob: as an investor is there a way from upstart companies. i think profits are elsewhere. i'm more of a bonfire.
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-- bond buyer >> >>mark: and had lots of good earnings and of the head of bank of america. >>rob: it is not such a good quarter. at this point they lost eight police $80 billion expected to said that he cut 30,000 jobs. they did not make it from new revenues. they are still dragging from faulty mortgages kirkuk bank of america makes millions of dollars. for me i liked the stock because no one else liked the stock. >>mark: this is a the stock as far as the prize is concerned your
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>>rob: christ is not really matter. by greg company's secured and time lost three people are not going to like it. it is not like a credit union. they are not very friendly. >>mark: it's more fun to buy a 100 shares of bankamerica >> >>rob: it does not matter if about christ. -- about price. wall street likes that kind of stuff.
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>>mark: we have a new company they have a new wheat drug approved. >>rob: what are you going to call it? but foster? this is the best of drug ride product ever to read the deed be released for both the city. as for people who are obese. the downside that even though is approved and that insurance companies probably will not cover the cost of it.
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>>mark: and because of the u.s. is the company you think that stocks could spike? >>mark: thanks allot rob. >>darya: i always think it is better to have a 21 as opposed to a $20 bill and makes me feel richer care >>erica: glassine blue skies and plenty of sunshine. temperatures are starting to rise. we are still contending with the upper 50s and paula alta of women feature cast for has a story to tell. you can see to colors on
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your screen indicating '60s and '70s. and then by 3:00 p.m., a lot of the green surgical back and more 76 stand around area. in the outlying areas of the temperatures will be close to 80 degrees. this south bay is mostly in the '70s. 69 for caster valley. for the most part willis a lanes of the in the '60s to the spade shore lines in warmer and man. san francisco will be 65 degrees pin >> everett's delay is over
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100 minutes. this 7 day around the bay forecast shows a gradual warm-up. >>george: we have monitored and 50 good commute. it has been a light in ec ride. we are going to start our bridge check with the bay bridge toll plaza. there is no longer have that back up from the macarther maze can and for your ride to the san mateo bridge, highway 92 pin it is all ready lighter than normal for the golden gate bridge 101 southbound. it is an easy ride across the span. let's take a look at the traffic map irian there
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looking at the vice ice interstate 80 and 60 southbound there are no delays in the ride into dublin looks much better. >> look at the north bay ride ticket there is an easy and like you. the drive time is under 25 minutes from nevada to the golden gate bridge pin their of no delays for caltrain are part. >>darya: we are waiting for the sunshine to, later in the day. we will be right back fear of -- we will be right back.
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>>darya: agree with hisham and for rick scott and excitement of a lifetime.
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a man decided to jump into the water he sought a shark. these this was a group of fishermen and florida. the men are not certain what kind of shark was. wow. that is a big shark. >>darya: it is wednesday morning and we will be back in just a couple of minutes.
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>>mark: the big stories we are falling right now is that the wife of ross mirkarimi is in town.
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uc board of regents of voting nine tuition hikes. the west nile virus was found in two rows in california. >> blue skies and sunshine are in abundance. here in downtown san francisco we are still looking at cloud cover. as the take a look at what's on tap later, it is a pretty tight range. it is mostly in the '60s and '70s film we will experience a crash will warm up. as we head into the weekend we are talking nineties and the warmest inland areas. we will have the 7 day around the bay coming up in
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a debt-ridden >>george: fears sam taylor bridge ride looks good. -- as san mateo bridge ride looks good here is your ride to the golden gate bridge. it is lighter now. >>mark: the only way that the uc regents can freeze tuition is went to jerry brown's tax initiative passing in the vault. will tran is in severance is the waiting and watching for the protest to get under way. >>will: you can see the police officers are behind me.
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you can see that there is a packed conference room. people came as far a way for a as from san diego. they're pleased that they do not increase tuition pin it really all depends on what happens with jerry brown tax initiative. with the past decade and have seen triple tuition increases. a lot of them cannot afford to dig deeper into their pocket. this includes graduate students could >> some of these professional fees and more than double the two wigeon that students pay.
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>>will: i can tell you that everyone seems to be orderly. there is no one trying to disrupt the meeting. i can also tell you that a lot of people are saying it is not on you and is on the regions. f the tax initiative fails in the region can say will we did agree on a and not on a tuition phrase that the people voted against korea unless there is it possible little grave sites >>darya: there is a possible new gravesite from none spped freek killer. -- speed freek killer - the
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latest site is where the tomb can use to hon. >>mark: hernandez and gone as far arrested in connection with the murder -- gomez was arrested for the murder of a young man. they said that it was gang- related. the man was shot as standing near a park car. >>darya: here is this-that the police are releasing to help track down a killer. this is the man he shot 26
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year old execution side at the card station three weeks ago. police say that there are several possible motives. >> it was either mistaken identity or possible robbery. police say that after the shooting the suspect got in the back of a pontiac grand am and drove off in irian that man may have contained more suspects. >>justine: michelle obama is in philadelphia right now. she is at the podium right now. she is talking about how to
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combat obesity. she is talking about getting kids healthy. that's all we are watching now and the kron 4 news room. >>mark: of the devices will be getting -- raw rice and manages a share everything program back in june were all the as much as six devices can be connected with in the home care and at&t is also looking at putting together a similar program. >>darya: let's take a look at the golden gate bridge. we are trying to clear out here and traffic is pretty heavy. we will be right back.
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>>mark: lot of back as we looked at a rise on wall street kid this is in relation to the housing market bouncing back. there is a look at 167,000 new construction projects pin does more good news. the national organization of builders say then confidence is hot at the highest level in five years' income >>darya: plan has now announced that install digital video cameras on 357 buses. it will be a central system where the video can be viewed. the police will have more
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access to the city of kirkuk >>mark: a quick break for the kron 4 morning news. you'll be looking for some sunshine pin.
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bamak >>
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>>darya: a ticket of the stories we been falling. the life of set of cisco -- at san francisco police chief ross mirkarimi is facing a ms contact charge stemming from a domestic abuse case involving her. >> the uc regents are voting on tuition hikes.
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>> the fed chairman ben per ben bernake is say that the on the employment rate could stay above 7%. >>mark: hey facebook users. are you tired of time lines? it turns out you are not alone. facebook saw about 8% drop and user satisfaction this year. that is the biggest drop in any social media survey. they say the users are unhappy with the user interface like the editions of time line. they complain about advertisements.
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meantime with the pds ties with of the netherlands bought with the first year on the list. this is 70% -- 78 customer satisfaction for google it is not all bad news for facedp but. is far outnumbered by face books over 900,000 users. >>darya: a new thread of west nile virus with to crows that were found positive and contra costa county. two people and the tiny county died from the disease.
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when it comes to west nile there is a health hazard that officials want to call your attention to. the plastic and wood in the you put ever of the swimming pools irvine the perfect breeding ground for misdeed as. -- for ms-dos. -- for mosquito. >>mark: they want you to be aware of rattlesnake bites. the snakes of living around to find food and water. >> are volunteers went on the trails reported as many as 18 rattlesnakes. that is a lot.
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>> de did be aware of snakes. it even when you're at a community park or a baseball field. there is a possibility of snakes. we do not want to to be panting -- panic but we do want you to be aware. >>mark: there is saying that rattler's often stretched around trails. they say that battle stake by aids and -- batus snakebites and a counter assault of. >>erica: we have a cloud cover around the coast line. we have a blue skies in san jose. it is clear for the most part and temperatures are starting to rise it is 59
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degrees in downtown san francisco. antioch is 64 degrees. we're starting to see more seventies about area. and you will save places like antioch that may be and that a lower eighties. and of site fremont is coming in at 72 degrees. 79 for walnut creek. it looks like for the most high -- for the most part of the upper 60s to get around the shoreline. we have mostly sunny conditions. >> we're still contending with delays for arriving flights at sfo - make sure
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to check with your carrier if you are picking someone of from that airport. >>george: we are continuing to monitor a critique good ride for the bay area. we are not tracking and hot spot. there is just a short wait for the bay bridge. your ride to the san mateo bridge is about even between east and west bound traffic pit there are no problems there. the golden gate bridge has been problem free all morning long. as the look of the map we can say that there is very little color on this rain pin the northbound ride with
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there are no delays from our man on 101 southbound. >>darya: remember this car. here he is delivering the first pitch. >>mark: we had video of him leaving his paw at rahman chinese theater. it is a great ball park. >>darya: the dog is very cute. >>mark: we'll be right back and the kron 4 morning news.
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if dive
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>> there was a customer in there. this is of florida. there is a 72 year-old man that was in the internet cafe who pulled out his gun. the ashley had a concealed weapon permit. he saved the day i guess. he shot into one robert to loppers are captured and both went to the hospital. >>mark: judge hamilton hit a solo home runs and a six-one taxes when. oakland had nine out of their last 10 heading into last night's game.
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>>darya: the giants were wood raft up on the last east coast swing. he drove in five runs with three hits. they blew out the atlanta braves 9-0. very see the note of 43 hits. the giants pitcher also had an rbi. the giants will be on the mound at 410. --4:10 >>mark: the giants had a big trade in midseason. they traded him to the
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campus city royals last november. we got cabrera. yesterday's sanchez was sent packing. cabrera has been a godsend for the giants. he was the most valuable player for the all-star game. jonathan sanchez was being packing by san kansas city. >>darya: that is it for this morning news. let's take a look at the 7 day around the bay thin we will finally see a little bit of a warm-up. we are looking at low nineties for saturday and
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sunday. >>mark: thank you for joining us on the kron 4 morning news. look back here and be back here in the morning.
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